Ms. Aydinian's Class

Extra Credit!!!

Check back often to see if any new extra credit opportunities are added.

Sei Shonagon Reading with Questions

Read the passage from Sei Shonagon (the Carrie Bradshaw of her day) and answer the questions.  It's reading comprehension with a bit of thinking.  Due by Friday, December 17th, for extra credit.  Or email me the answers over the break.

Tissue Box    

Since people are going through tissues like nobody's business, bring me a box of tissues for extra credit.  Write your name, the date, and the period on the side of the box in permanent marker.  Due by Friday, December 17th, for extra credit.

Quiz Packet

On your test day, turn in your quiz packet for extra credit.  You have until Friday to turn it in for extra credit.

Donors Choose - Each person can only do this once!
The project is up!!!  spend your coupon!!!  link is below!!!

  1. Open Internet Explorer as your browser (no other browser will work for the coupon)
  2. Click on this link for Bing Gives:  Bing 
  3. Click on the "Click Here" link on the page
  4. Fill out info for $5 coupon (email, email again, click box agreeing to terms, unclick box about email newsletter, and try using a non-KIPP email...I think the server is filtering them out)
  5. Wait at least 30 minutes for email from Bing
  6. Print out email/forward email from Bing for Ms. Aydinian
  7. Click the link below to go to the project:
          Ms. Aydinian's Project - 3 netbooks
7.    Enter $5 in donation field
8.    Check out
9.    Fill out a profile for a new user
10.  Copy and paste coupon code from email in the payment options
11.  On the Message page, put either "Your First Name" or "Your First Name + Initial of Last Name".  
                                                DO NOT PUT YOUR WHOLE NAME!
                    EXAMPLE:  Boudica OR Boudica I.
12.  Post a nice message or use the ones they have created.