Ms. Aydinian's Class

Extra Credit!!!

Check back often to see if any new extra credit opportunities are added.

Donors Choose - Each person can only do this once!

  1. Open Internet Explorer as your browser (no other browser will work for the coupon)
  2. Click on this link for Bing Gives:  Bing 
  3. Click on the "Click Here" link on the page
  4. Fill out info for $5 coupon (email, email again, click box agreeing to terms, unclick box about email newsletter, and try using a non-KIPP email...I think the server is filtering them out)
  5. Wait at least 30 minutes for email from Bing
  6. Print out email/forward email from Bing for Ms. Aydinian
  7. Click on one of the links below to go to the projects:
             Ms. Aydinian's 3 netbooks ($473 to go!)
7.    Enter $5 in donation field
8.    Check out
9.    Fill out a profile for a new user
10.  Copy and paste coupon code from email in the payment options
11.  On the Message page, put either "Your First Name" or "Your First Name + Initial of Last Name".  
                                                DO NOT PUT YOUR WHOLE NAME!
                    EXAMPLE:  Boudica OR Boudica I.
12.  Post a nice message or use the ones they have created.